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  1. 1


    Fatmanur hanım, o Einstein değil Edison olacak sanırım. Hani şu, ampulün mucidi olan Thomas Edison.
    Edison ayrıca doğru akım’ı da bulmuştu. Buna karşılık Tesla da alternatif akım’ı icat etmişti, ve Edison’un öğrencisi değil çalışanıydı. (Bkz. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikola_Tesla#Working_for_Edison)

  2. 2

    Fikret Dadaş

    Fatmanur hanım yazı herşeyiyle mükemmel, insanız bazı konularda hatalar da olabilir, ama bunu daha yapıcı belirtmekte fayda var, insanı ayıplamadan..SÖzüm meclisten dışarı

  3. 3

    Fatmanur Erdogan

    Selcuk, valla nasil Einstein yazmisim. Gecenin bir yarisi yazinca boyle oluyor. Cok sagol. Sabah sabah guldum:))

  4. 4

    Fatmanur Erdogan

    @Fikret, bundan daha yapici bir sekilde kaleme alirsan, yayinlamak isterim. selamlar,

  5. 5

    Ergin Murat


    Yazınızı okuyup her noktada “.” duraksadıkça yaşadıklarımı doğrulayıp devam ediyorum. Yazınız genel olarak yenilikçi insanları yöneten insanları anlatıyor. Burada bahsettiğiniz yenilikçi insanların, karşılaştıkları tavır karşısında yollarını nasıl çizebileceklerine dair önerilerinizi “para, motivasyon ve ünvan” ekseninde kaleme almanızı rica etsem 🙂


  6. 6


    Elinize sağlık Fatmanur hanım.Her tananki gibi çok güzel bir tesbit

  7. 7

    Greg Koch

    Part of the negative response to innovation (which equals change) is the mammalian response to fear: we are programmed to respond automatically (genetically) to fear. Innovation=change and that is initially feared my many. The automatic response is fight, flight, freeze or please. You see it in the animal world — when a predator approaches, the prey will freeze in place (freeze), assume a submitting position (please), run away (flight), or defend it itself actively (fight). In the business world you find the same responses to change. Some people complement the change regardless of how they really feel (please). Some do not know wha to do (freeze), some hide and try not to accept the change or even quit that company (flight). The rest fight the change. The fight is vocal, visible and reacted to by all. The other responses (flight, freeze, and please) are either silent on the change or promote the innovation. In summary, I think the resistance ot change/innovation is even greater than we see and read in data since all we hear of is the fight.

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    Fatmanur Erdogan

    @Cagdas sagol. Umarim iyisindir. Epey oldu:)) selamlar…

  9. 9

    Fatmanur Erdogan

    @Greg, Thanks for your comment and taking the time to read the article. You are gonna be fluent in Turkish soon:))

    To complement what you’ve said: We all want change when we initiate it but not when others do. We resist the change requested by others. We move forward only when demand is powerful and threatens us, then we have to comply. For example, sustainability is not a concept initiated by private companies. Majority of them had to respond to the demands of the public and other stakeholders. Most still don’t care much either. And the phrase “license to operate” is a testament to that fact.

    When a company is small, its agile. Its entrepreneurial. When it gets much bigger, then it loses its flexibility. It becomes risk averse and wants to be around like-minded people, who are also risk averse. This is the biggest challenge corporations face in today’s world. If you want to innovate, you need to have a culture of corporate entrepreneurship.
    A lack of such an environment in companies lead many successful executives such as Robin Chase to move out and have a higher impact with what they do.

    Again, thanks Greg. Its always wonderful to hear from you. Cheerios,

  10. Pingback: Mutsuzluğun Anahtarı Mükemmel Olma Çabasında Saklı | Yasin Kurt | Kişişel Web Sitesi

  11. 10

    mega holdings başvuru

    Özellikle bizim kültürümüzde yetişen bireyler daha açık fikirli daha yenilikçi olmamız gerekirken bazıları hâlâ bunu kendisinde yaşıyor ve çevresine de yaşatıyor.

    Nice yeni fikirlere dualarımla.


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